
Buyers buy goods and services for use or resale on behalf of industrial, commercial, government or other establishments and organizations.

Skill level: Skilled

Check your Wage

  • Salary range for the majority of workers in Buyers - from $2,213 to $7,970 per month - 2025.
  • A Buyers typically earns between $2,213 and $4,845 gross per month at the start of the job.
  • After 5 years of service, this is between $2,512 and $5,607 per month for a working week of 40 hours.

Tasks and duties

  • Determining or negotiating contract terms and conditions, awarding supplier contracts or recommending contract awards for the purchase of equipment, raw materials, products, services and merchandise for resale
  • Obtaining information about requirements and stock and developing specifications for quantity and quality to be purchased, costs, delivery dates and other contract conditions
  • Purchasing general and specialized equipment, materials or business services for use or for further processing by their establishment
  • Inviting tenders, consulting with suppliers and reviewing quotations
  • Purchasing merchandise for resale by retail or wholesale establishments
  • Studying market reports, trade periodicals and sales promotion materials and visiting trade shows, showrooms, factories and product design events
  • Selecting the merchandise or products that best fit the establishment's requirements
  • Interviewing suppliers and negotiating prices, discounts, credit terms and transportation arrangements
  • Overseeing distribution of merchandise to outlets and maintaining adequate stock levels
  • Establishing delivery schedules, monitoring progress and contacting clients and suppliers to resolve problems