Fashion and other models

Fashion and other models wear and display clothing and accessories and pose for photographs, film and video, advertising, still photography or for artistic creation.

Skill level: Semi-skilled

Check your Wage

  • Salary range for the majority of workers in Fashion and other models - from $1,431 to $3,909 per month - 2025.
  • A Fashion and other models typically earns between $1,431 and $2,800 gross per month at the start of the job.
  • After 5 years of service, this is between $1,502 and $3,087 per month for a working week of 40 hours.

Salary Calculator

Tasks and duties

  • Dressing in sample apparel of new or current styles or of type wanted by customer
  • Walking, turning and posing to demonstrate, to best advantage, style and characteristics of garments, fashion accessories and other merchandise
  • Posing as subject for sculpture, painting and other types of visual art
  • Posing for still photography for magazines and other advertising media
  • Posing for television, video and cinema commercials and other productions

Complete the Salary Questionnaire
