Industrial and production engineers

Industrial and production engineers conduct research and design, organize and oversee the construction, operation and maintenance of process plant and installations. They establish programs for the coordination of manufacturing activities; and assess cost effectiveness and safety.

Skill level: Highly skilled

Check your Wage

  • Salary range for the majority of workers in Industrial and production engineers - from $2,382 to $8,877 per month - 2025.
  • A Industrial and production engineers typically earns between $2,382 and $6,119 gross per month at the start of the job.
  • After 5 years of service, this is between $2,806 and $7,022 per month for a working week of 40 hours.

Tasks and duties

  • Studying functional statements, organizational charts and project information to determine functions and responsibilities of workers and work units and to identify areas of duplication
  • Establishing work measurement programs and analysing work samples to develop standards for labour utilization
  • Analysing workforce utilization, facility layout, operational data and production schedules and costs to determine optimum worker and equipment efficiencies
  • Developing specifications for manufacture, and determining materials, equipment, piping, material flows, capacities and layout of plant and systems
  • Organising and managing project labour and the delivery of materials, plant and equipment
  • Establishing standards and policies for installation, modification, quality control, testing, inspection and maintenance according to engineering principles and safety regulations
  • Inspecting plant to improve and maintain performance
  • Directing the maintenance of plant buildings and equipment, and coordinating the requirements for new designs, surveys and maintenance schedules
  • Advising management on new production methods, techniques and equipment
  • Liaising with materials buying, storing and controlling departments to ensure a steady flow of supplies