Meter readers and vending-machine collectors

Meter readers and vending-machine collectors stock vending machines and collect money from them or from parking meters and other coin-boxes, or read electricity, gas or water meters.

Skill level: Unskilled

Check your Wage

  • Salary range for the majority of workers in Meter readers and vending-machine collectors - from $1,581 to $5,343 per month - 2025.
  • A Meter readers and vending-machine collectors typically earns between $1,581 and $3,739 gross per month at the start of the job.
  • After 5 years of service, this is between $1,658 and $4,187 per month for a working week of 40 hours.

Tasks and duties

  • Filling storage areas of vending machines and collecting money from their containers
  • Collecting money from parking meters and similar coinboxes
  • Reading electricity, gas or water meters and recording consumption
  • Keeping records of merchandise distributed and money collected
  • Proceeding along established routes to take readings of meter dials
  • Verifying readings in cases where consumption appears to be abnormal, and recording possible reasons for fluctuations
  • Inspecting meters for unauthorized connections, defects and damage such as broken seals