Professional services managers, all other, covers managers who plan, direct coordinate and evaluate the provision of specialized professional and technical services.
Skill level:
Check your Wage
- Salary range for the majority of workers in Professional services managers not elsewhere classified - from $2,532 to $8,161 per month - 2025.
- A Professional services managers not elsewhere classified typically earns between $2,532 and $4,895 gross per month at the start of the job.
- After 5 years of service, this is between $2,871 and $5,646 per month for a working week of 40 hours.
Salary Calculator
Tasks and duties
- Providing overall direction and management for a service, facility, organization or center
- Developing, implementing and monitoring procedures, policies and standards for staff
- Directing, supervising and evaluating the work activities of professional, technical, clerical, service, maintenance and other personnel
- Monitoring and evaluating resources devoted to the provision of services
- Controlling administrative operations such as budget planning, report preparation, and expenditure on supplies, equipment and services
- Planning, directing and coordinating the provision of services
- Coordinating cooperation with other service provision agencies in the same or related fields
- Managing budgets, controlling expenditure and ensuring the efficient use of resources
- Overseeing the selection, training and performance of staff