Survey and market research interviewers interview people and record their responses to survey and market research questions on a range of topics.
Skill level:
Check your Wage
- Salary range for the majority of workers in Survey and market research interviewers - from $1,472 to $3,955 per month - 2025.
- A Survey and market research interviewers typically earns between $1,472 and $2,675 gross per month at the start of the job.
- After 5 years of service, this is between $1,568 and $2,934 per month for a working week of 40 hours.
Salary Calculator
Tasks and duties
- Contacting individuals by telephone or in person and explaining the purpose of the interview
- Asking questions following the outlines of questionnaires and surveys
- Recording responses on paper or entering responses directly into a computer database through computer- assisted interviewing systems
- Identifying and resolving inconsistencies in responses
- Providing feedback to survey sponsors concerning problems in obtaining valid data