Salary of Lyanla Vanzant

US Salary details of Lyanla Vanzant and other public speakers, plus the royalties they might receive after publishing a book.

Question: June 2010

I am preparing a research paper but am having trouble finding the salary history for Iyanla Vanzant. Are you able to provide me with the salary history for Iyanla Vanzant?


As far as we know there are no salary details published for Lyanla Vanzant, but we have pieced some information together about public speaker fees and author salaries. So you will get some idea.

According to Simply Hired the average salary for a public speaker is $48,000. Average public speaker salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits. For example: Bill Clinton made about $10 million as public speaker in 2007, Sarah Palin about $100,000 per speech this year and Tony Blair $150,000. 

Barnes and Noble states that Lyanla Vanzant has 8 million books in print. According to writing site write101 an average author receives an advance before publishing a book and 10% royalty per book after selling 3000 copies. Mrs Vanzant is a best seller author, so she probably has a better deal with her publisher. But without doubt she must have earned at least $8m, with the 18 books she has published so far, if sold at a retail price of at least $10,-

I hope this was helpful for your research paper.
Good luck.
