Your employer must:
- pay you the minimum wage
- pay you each week
- pay you overtime pay - one and one half (1.5) times your regular working hour rate of pay after 40 hours of work in a week, or 44 hours if you live in your employer's home;
- give you 24 hour rest day every 7 days, or overtime pay if you agree to work on that day
- give you 3 paid rest days each year after one year of work for the same employer;
- not deduct money from your pay without your written permission, except for deductions authorized by law for your benefit, e.g.: income tax withholding, social security, medicare, health insurance, automatic savings plans;
- give you always written notifications of deductions;
- not take money from your wages for breakage or similar reasons;
- keep keep detailed payroll and time records;
If your employer gives you meals and living accommodation, your employer may get a specific credit toward the minimum wage he or she pays to you.