Telephone switchboard operators mostly female

Apr 1, 2024 - Telephone switchboard operators who work for 15 years will receive a salary ranging from $1,940 to $3,783 per month. This is the conclusion of research carried out by, in 2024.

People in this job with 30 years of work experience earn the highest salary: between $2,073 and $4,969 per month. Workers that have worked for 15 years, receive between $1,940 and $3,783 per month.

33% says they are male, while 67% entered female as their gender. The age group for employees who answered the survey was mostly between 49 and 70 years of age.

Average working week of 39 hours

Employees work 39 hours per week on average.

56% of telephone switchboard operators fewer than 5 years of work experience

56% of workers in this occupation have worked fewer than 5 years since their first job. In most cases, workers report that the majority of their coworkers are female. People in this job mostly work in organisations consisting of 500 or more people. 56% of workers in this occupation state that they have no permanent contract for their job. Of the participating people in this job, 40% work in a multinational organisation. 44% of workers in this occupation state that they have a permanent contract for the work that they are doing.

Wage dissatisfaction high among telephone switchboard operators

Among the workers, 32% reported they are in between satisfied and dissatisfied with their wage. Generally, 43% of the workers in this occupation report they are dissatisfied with their salary.

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